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Board of Directors


Chairman of the Board

Murat Ruhi Çuhadaroğlu, who graduated from Syracuse University, Management School Marketing Department in 1987, started his business life as the Manager of Door Sales Department at Çuhadaroğlu Aluminium Industry and Marketing Inc. In 1990, he became External Relations Manager for the same company.

He then served as the Chairman of Çuhadaroğlu Marketing Inc. and as an Assistant General Coordinator of Çuhadaroğlu Aluminium Industry and Marketing Inc. From 1995 to 1999; then he served as the Chairman of the Board of Directors at Çuhadaroğlu Metal Industry and Marketing Inc. between 1999 and 2007. Since 2007, Murat Ruhi Çuhadaroğlu has been alternately serving as the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of Çuhadaroğlu Metal Industry and Marketing Inc. and Çuhadaroğlu Aluminium Industry and Marketing Inc. Murat Çuhadaroğlu is engaged in professional photography as well as his duties in Çuhadaroğlu Group.



Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors

Halil Nejat Çuhadaroğlu who graduated from the Department of Economics of Syracuse University in 1988 , graduated from Marmara University, Department of Economics in English in 1990. 

In 1989, he started his career as Marketing Manager at Çuhadaroğlu Chemistry Industry and Marketing Inc.; then between 1993-1995, he worked as the Vice-General Manager at Çuhadaroğlu Construction Industry and Marketing Inc.; and between 1995-1997, he served as the General Manager at Çuhadaroğlu Chemistry Industry and Marketing Inc. Between 1998-2001, he was a member of the Board of Directors. Çuhadaroğlu Marketing Inc. and Çuhadaroğlu Aluminium Industry and Marketing Inc. Halil Nejat Çuhadaroğlu, who worked as the General Manager at Çuhadaroğlu Metal Industry and Marketing Inc. and Çuhadaroğlu Aluminium Industry and Marketing Inc. between 2001-2004, has been alternately serving as the Vice President and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Çuhadaroğlu Metal Industry and Marketing Inc. and Çuhadaroğlu Aluminium Industry and Marketing Inc. since 2007. Along with his duties at the Çuhadaroğlu Group, Nejat Çuhadaroğlu is the founder of the HİSART Live History and Diorama Museum, which he opened the first building of Çuhadaroğlu in Çağlayan in 2014.


Board Member

Dr. Metin YILMAZ had taken his barchelor, master and doctorate degrees from Boğaziçi University Mechanical Engineering Department in 1997 and completed his post-doctoral study at the Institute National Polytechnique de Grenoble in France in 1998. Receiving NATO Science Fellowship, CIES and DAAD scholarships, Yılmaz worked as a visitor researcher at TÜBİTAKMAM and CEMEF France for a while. Mr. Yılmaz joined Çuhadaroğlu Group in 1998 and was in charge as Deputy General Manager between 2003 and 2018 by Çuhadaroğlu Metal San. and Paz. A.S. and as of 2018, he was promoted as a member of the Board of Directors.

Member of Corporate Governance Committee, Member of Early Detection of Risk Committee

Beside being a member of the Board of Directors, Mr. Yılmaz is working as a consultant on factory production, technology development, investment and research and development processes. Yılmaz was a lecturer for materials science at Boğaziçi University Mechanical Engineering Department and served as the chairman of the QUALANOD and BEYSİAD board of directors.

He is currently the chairman of the board of directors of AYID, vice chairman of the board of ESTAL and a member of the board of directors of TALSAD, BEYSİAD, İSİFED, QUALANOD and QUALICOAT. Mr. Yılmaz, who has many publications and patents on his own, takes charge in the executive and advisory boards of many scientific symposiums and conferences.


Independent Board Member

Having completed barchelor education at Ankara University Faculty of Political Sciences Department of Economics and her master's degree in Istanbul University Capital Markets Stock Exchange Department, R. Alev Dumanlı worked at an independent audit company between 1988-1992 and worked in the Quotation Department at Borsa Istanbul A.Ş.

Chairman of Corporate Governance Committee, Member of Audit Committee, Member of Early Determining of the Risk Committee

In the Quotation Department, she worked in charge of the applications made for companies to be traded in the Stock Exchange after the public offering, the evaluation of the status of the listed companies against the quotation legislation, the preparation of the legislation on the quotation in accordance with the Capital Market Law and CMB regulations, public disclosure and corporate governance practices. She holds the Capital Market Activities Level 3 License and the Corporate Governance Rating License. She is currently working as an independent board member and consultant in public companies.


Independent Board Member

He graduated from Beşiktaş Atatürk High School in 1984 and from İstanbul University Faculty of Economics Department of Econometrics in 1988.

Chairman of Audit Committee, Chairman of Early Detection of Risk Committee

Günhan Aksoy, who started to work as an assistant specialist in capital markets in 1991, worked as a mid-level and senior manager in his business life, working in brokerage houses and banks, money and capital markets. During this period, he carried out the procedures for obtaining the CMB operating licenses of 2 intermediary institutions. His areas of expertise are Monetary and Capital Markets, Financial Management and Financial Statement Analysis, Audit and CMB regulation. He holds Advanced Level (Capital Market Activities Level 3 License) and Derivative Financial Instruments License and BIST Debt Securities Market Member Representative certificate.



Born in 1970, Mr. Aracı graduated from Kabataş High School, obtained his undergraduate degree at the department of Architecture at İTÜ Faculty of Architecture and his graduate degree of Business Administration at Bahçeşehir University.

Kenan Aracı took part in many projects including business centers, housing and hospitals for 3 years at the project development and application office in the construction sector and architectural application branch in Karlsruhe of Germany during 1992-1995. When returning back to Turkey, he has started to work at Çuhadaroğlu Group which is an industrial corporation that specializes in mainly the design and production of aluminum doors, windows and facade systems used in architectural application.

He worked as the Product Manager, Marketing Director and Deputy CEO at Çuhadaroğlu Group. Assigned as a CEO at Çuhadaroğlu Metal San. ve Paz. A.Ş. and Çuhadaroğlu Kimya San. ve Tic. A.Ş. in 2003 and to Çuhadaroğlu Alüminyum San. ve Tic. A.Ş. in 2010, Mr. Aracı is currently the acting CEO at Çuhadaroğlu Metal San. ve Paz. A.Ş. and Çuhadaroğlu Alüminyum San. ve Tic. A.Ş. companies.

He is the Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors at the Turkish Construction Material Suppliers Association (İMSAD) and the Deputy Chairman of the Metal Construction and Building Components Industry Profession Committee of ISO 42nd Group.


Kullanım Koşulları

KİŞİSEL VERİLERİN İŞLENMESİ VE GÜVENLİĞİ FORMU Bu dokumanı onaylayarak 6698 Sayılı Kişisel Verilerin Korunması Kanunu’nun (“Kanun”) 5. Maddesi kapsamında Şirketimize iletmiş olduğunuz kişisel verilerinizin, hizmetlerimiz hakkında bilgi vermek ve sizlerle iletişime geçmek için kullanımına açıkça rıza göstermektesiniz.

Kişisel verileriniz kanuni düzenlemelere uygun olarak ticari teamüllerde öngörülen sürelerde işlenecektir.

Kanun kapsamında Veri Sorumlusu Şirketimiz; CUHADAROĞLU olup Kanun’daki tüm sorumluluk ve yükümlülüklerine uymayı kabul etmektedir. Kişisel Verilerinizin, Veri Sorumlusu Şirketimizin belirleyeceği yurtiçi veya yurtdışında bulunan 3. kişilere işbu verilerin saklanması, depolanması ve açık rıza gösterilen amaçlarla işlenmesi için aktarılmasına açıkça onay vermektesiniz. Kanuni haklarınız kapsamında; dilediğiniz zaman Veri Sorumlusu Şirketimize başvurarak tarafınıza ait kişisel verilerin işlenip işlenmediğini öğrenme, işlenen kişisel verileri varsa bunlara ilişkin bilgi talep etme, kişisel verilerin işlenme amacını ve bu verilerin amaca uygun kullanılıp kullanılmadığını öğrenme, kişisel verilerinin aktarıldığı üçüncü kişileri bilme, kişisel verilerindeki hataların düzeltilmesini ve eğer aktarım yapılmışsa ilgili üçüncü kişiden bu düzeltmenin istenmesini talep etme, kişisel verilerin işlenmesini gerektiren sebeplerin ortadan kalkması halinde bu verilerin silinmesini, yok edilmesini ya da anonim hale getirilmesini isteme ve eğer aktarım yapılmışsa bu talebin aktarılan üçüncü kişiye iletilmesini isteme, işlenen verilerin neticesinde kişi ile ilintili olumsuz bir sonuç çıkmasına itiraz etme, Kanun’a aykırı veri işleme nedeniyle zararının ortaya çıkması halinde zararını yasalar çerçevesinde talep etme hakkınız mevcuttur.