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World' s First and Only Live History and Diaroma Museum HİSART Opened in Istanbul

The world's first and only Live History and Diorama Museum, Hisart, meets history and art lovers with a brand new museology concept and makes its visitors travel in time. A diorama is the modeling of a real or fictional event, moment or story in three dimensions with the help of light games.

The museum, which was established by the restoration of the Çuhadaroğlu Group of Companies' building in Hürriyet Mahallesi in Çağlayan-Istanbul,  which has no other examples in the world, offers visuals such as paintings, engravings and photographs that depict historical events, as well as dioramas in different scales (3D modeling) and life-size mannequins. It is possible to see both period clothes and military equipment together. The museum consists of an exhibition area of ​​1,500 square meters, spreading over 6 floors and includes artifacts from many civilizations and events such as the Seljuk State, the Roman Empire, the Ottoman Empire and the War of Independence.

The museum, which is called as “the museum with the most extensive diorama collection in the world”, has the facial expression details of the dioramas and mannequinswere made by Nejat Çuhadaroğlu personally. The topics of the dioramas in the museum are not limited to historical persons or events. In addition to the favorite heroes of the fantasy world, many interesting dioramas such as Vikings, Indians, Indiana Jones and pirates are also exhibited.

 In addition to many weapons and special accessories, swords with the stamp of the Anatolian Seljuk State, the Turkish sword with the Zülfikar mouth, which is the only example from the early 18th century, the sword with the signature of Yıldırım Bayezid, the helmets made of gold plaster on steel. The executioner machete and military equipment from various periods of the Ottoman army are also exhibited in the museum. In addition, the clothes that Mustafa Kemal Atatürk wore in three different wars were made exactly according to the reality and displayed on Atatürk models. Real uniforms of Enver Pasha, one of the leading names of the Committee of Union and Progress, obtained from his grandchildren are also exhibited.

The example of the ''Talisman Shirt'', which was worn by prominent people in the Ottoman period, decorated with verses, hadiths and symbols, each woven in three to four years, the ''Deli Akıncılar'' of the Ottoman army, the banners of Hanedan-ı Ali Osman, yellow and navy blue colors. The old "Fenerbahçe Flag" is also among the works in the museum.

Ground Floor: The ground floor of the Hisart Live History and Diorama Museum covers a wide period of time. On the ground floor; there are many special accessories that show the social, cultural and economic changes that the Ottoman Empire went through the periods. On the floor starting with the works belonging to the Great Roman Empire and the Byzantine Empire, the works belonging to the Anatolian Seljuk Giants and the Ottoman Empire period up to Selim III are exhibited. Among the works on the ground floor are the unique Anatolian Seljuk period sword, the talisman shirt believed that protects sultans when they wear it, the Ottoman period executioner machete, the guns used in Europe and Anatolia, mists and axes. In addition, the diorama depicting the conquest of Istanbul and the "Deli Akıncılar" of the Ottoman Army, the reenactment of the tiger exhibition made in the Topkapı Palace during the Ottoman period are also located on the ground floor.

1st Floor: On the 1st floor of the museum, there are mainly Ottoman Empire artifacts. The works starting from the period of Selim III reachs to the early 1900s. In this section, there are very valuable swords, guns, banners and clothes that reflect the period chronologically. The rare 18th century Turkish sword with Zülfikar rim is also exhibited on this floor.

2nd Floor: On the 2nd floor of the museum, there are works belonging to the last periods of the Ottoman Empire. The Tripoli War, the Balkan Wars, World War-I and the Çanakkale and Eastern fronts (Sarıkamış) depending on this war are among the subjects of the 2nd floor. In this section, it is possible to see Atatürk's clothes on Atatürk models from three different wars that were made exactly. Also, dioramas depicting important battle scenes, weapons and costumes are other parts that will attract the attention of visitors.

3rd Floor: The 3rd floor of the Hisart Live History and Diorama Museum is about the last periods of the World War-I and the struggle for the War of Independence. In addition, many works and dioramas belonging to the first periods of World War-II are also exhibited on this floor.

4th Floor: The works shedding light on World War-II are exhibited on the 4th floor of the museum. In addition, on this floor, there are works of important wars such as the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Cyprus Peace Operation, the Gulf Wars.

5th Floor: the administrative departments and the workshop of Nejat Çuhadaroğlu, the founder of Hisart Live History and Diorama Museum.

6th Floor: There is a cafeteria on the last floor of the museum. Prepared with a different design approach, this floor was used as an exhibition area as well as a cafeteria. Interesting elements of history such as Gladiators, Vikings, Pirates and the diorama and figures from Hollywood productions such as Indiana Jones, Lord of the Rings and Star Wars are exhibited on this floor.


Tuesday, Wednesyday, Thursday, Friday : 10.00-17.00

Saturday: 10.00-18.00

Sunday: 12.00-18.00

On mondays the museum is closed.


Kullanım Koşulları

KİŞİSEL VERİLERİN İŞLENMESİ VE GÜVENLİĞİ FORMU Bu dokumanı onaylayarak 6698 Sayılı Kişisel Verilerin Korunması Kanunu’nun (“Kanun”) 5. Maddesi kapsamında Şirketimize iletmiş olduğunuz kişisel verilerinizin, hizmetlerimiz hakkında bilgi vermek ve sizlerle iletişime geçmek için kullanımına açıkça rıza göstermektesiniz.

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